Headline News has been so wrapped up in the Casey Anthony case, it wasn't enough to witness the verdict mid-afternoon - one had to wait to see how Nancy Grace, who has been violently beating the drums on the case for months, would react.
That the caption under the giant BREAKING NEWS banner across the bottom of the screen began with OUTRAGE gave a pretty good indication where it was going.
She wasn't just spewing contempt for the jurors - recounting which of them finished school, telling of one who had a rap sheet, who wasn't feeling proper to judge others. She was acting as if her next move would be to post their addresses and start the vigilantes herself.
"Tot Mom" is what she called the acquitted. She spat out the term as if she meant to say "tart mom." The way she kept saying it - tot mom, tot mom, tot mom - it began to sound like the name of an Asian dictator, from Tojo to Pol Pot.
Tot mom, tot mom, tot mom.
Grace surrounds herself with similarly loud lawyers, cordoned off in little boxes in the margin of the center square (to block!); her huge head with its helmeted hair, twice as big in the center of them, as fearsome as the Wizard of Oz spitting fire on Dorothy.
It wasn't exactly a diverse group of attorneys; all were echoing the Grace party line and howling of the perceived injustice.
But even when she asked them questions, there was never any proof she actually listened to the answer. She'd let follow-ups drop, go onto the next talking head, and not listen to that answer either, as she waited for time she could return to her own rant.
Grace in particular decried the celebration of the defense team of their victory, as if that would be so inappropriate to achieve something so few of these experts believed would happen.
She was upset they were doing this "in the open," but actually they were in a restaurant that asked not to bring cameras in; the footage was shot through the window from what could have been a location across the street.
Grace said she was just about "without words" on what happened; that the jurors had their mind made up when walking in; assuring that Anthony would walk (and avoid any sentencing for making misleading statements)
If her head didn't explode as some might have expected, steam nearly came out of her ears.
Her show bled into primetime, then they reran it and reran it, not correcting when she said it was live from the Orlando courtroom, when it long since ceased to be.
A question for HLN now is how it will replace the wall-to-wall coverage of this one case in Florida. Grace must be mad about that as well.
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